Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.
Isabella as a princess Isabella and Ella (a cheetah girl)
I thought to myself, I know what "this" looks like, and no you can't wear that for Halloween!!
Then on Thursday we kept Drew for awhile. We went to McDonald's after school for an ice cream snack and before I knew it I was wearing his teeny tiny bit of chocolate cookie that I gave him! We came home and played for a while and then had dinner.
He LOVED the horse in Isabella's room! He rode that for quite a while!! Then we decided to have some fun with him and dress him up!
Ahh...he looks so pretty as a fairy!!
What a cute Dumbo the elephant!!
We love Drew to pieces and I could seriously eat him up, but boy oh boy does he wear me out!! Drew left at about 8:30 that evening and I think that all 3 of us girls were asleep before 10:00!
After her game we met my cousin and her family for lunch at a little pizza place. The pizza was really good and we had a great time visiting with everyone.
That evening the guys were heading to the OU game so my dad wanted to take all of us girls (and Drew!) for a picnic. We had so much fun! The weather was absolutely perfect! They had made a lot of delicious food and then had a surprise for dessert. Once the kids had played for a while they decided to bring out the surprise dessert....HOMEMADE OREO ICE CREAM!!!! We were all SOOOO excited!!
I will leave you with a few pictures from the evening...Thanks Nana and Papa for a fun evening! It was perfect!
Alexis and Drew Alexis swinging
Isabella sliding
My mom serving the girls some yummy food!
My dad this for most of the evening....followed Drew everywhere he went! That boy is always on the go!!
Nana serving up the famous oreo ice cream! (With Emme and Isabella's help)
The girls enjoying that surprise dessert!
My girls and I towards the end of our evening
Nana and Papa with the girls and Drew! He is always loving on his Papa!!