We had a great Thanksgiving this year! We started the Thanksgiving break by putting up our Christmas tree on Tuesday evening and then on Wednesday night we went out to eat with my whole family. Then on Thanksgiving day we went to Randy's grandma's house and ate lunch with his whole family. Later that evening, we met up with my family again and went to the movies. My parents and brother took the kids to see Bolt and Randy and I and Alison and Andy went to see Four Christmas'. That movie is hilarious!! On Friday my mom, sisters and myself went shopping for 16 hours....yes, 16 hours! We love it though, we have a very set routine that we do every year and certain places that we eat breakfast and lunch. Then for dinner we go back to my parents house for some smoked turkey that my dad makes for us each year. That turkey that he makes, is the BEST turkey that I have every tasted. After we eat dinner, we go back out shopping for a few more hours! We literally shop until we drop on Black Friday! I have to say a big thank you to my dad and brother who helped me in my "emergency situation." Randy had to work on Black Friday, so Seth spent the night with us so that he would be here in the morning when the girls got up and then took them to my parents house where my dad watched them ALL day long by himself! I don't know who was more tired...my girls or my dad! We have had a great Thanksgiving weekend and ready to get into that Christmas spirit!!

Oh, I almost forgot...Isabella had a feast on Tuesday at her school, so Randy and I went to that. She was cracking us up...she was so quiet and obedient and she kept giving us this smile that was hilarious. For those of you who don't know..Isabella isn't quiet and she only obeys some of the time!

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