Today at Alexis' school they had Thanksgiving lunch and she asked if Randy, Isabella, and I would come up there and eat with her. I then proceded to reminder of my rule about school cafeteria's.....I don't eat their food!! She said that maybe we could at least just come and sit with her while she ate....why is it that school cafeteria's have "that smell" in them??? They ALL smell the same. I'm not even sure what the smell is but it SMELLS. Today the smell wasn't too bad but I couldn't figure out what the turkey was swimming in. Randy informed me that it was suppose to be dressing. I didn't see any dressing on that tray. It really looked more like tukey throw up. Really, it did. The blue friend in the picture with the girls in "Brillant Blue." He is our new family friend for the weekend. Isabella got to bring him home from school for the weekend and he gets to do whatever we do. Yeah! One more thing to try to keep up with! Isabella was super excited to bring him home...apparently this is the "thing" for her class. Hopefully we can manage to return him to school on Monday!
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