On Saturday the girls and I took a little road trip with Randy's mom to Owasso to see my nephew play football. The girls had a lot of fun being with their cousins. They don't get to see them as often as they would like so they are always so excited when they get to see them. My nephew Quinton was so cute dressed in all of his gear and the girls loved being with Abigail during the game. After Quinton's game we went to eat at Baja Jack's. It was a build your own burrito type of place. It was really good or maybe it was just the fact that I was starving and would have just ate about anything! After lunch we did a little shopping and then heading home...it was a short trip but just perfect!
On Sunday Isabella had a birthday party to go to. It was a wear your halloween costume party. This little friend of Isabella's is one of her two very best friends. The girls are always so cute when they get together. Meg's mom had some very fun activities for the girls to do. They had face painting, painted pumpkins, played pin the tail on the cat, and played pass the pumpkin. The party was complete with the pumpkin birthday cake!
Isabella as a princess
Isabella and Ella (a cheetah girl)

An angel(Meg),a princess(Bella), and a cheetah girl(Ella)
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