Well, Halloween came and went and the girls had a great time. They each had parties at school and Isabella got to wear her costume to school so she loved that. After school, we went to the Fall Festival at a local church with my nieces and nephew. The kids seemed to have a great time...it wasn't too crowded so that was nice.

Alexis was CandyLand and Isabella was a Butterfly Princess

My kids with Miss Oklahoma, Ms. Reynolds, and a Red Bull Energy Drink
On Saturday we went to 2 soccer games and then to my cousin's house for a belated Halloween party. The kids had a great time there as well. They had tons of candy, hot dogs, chips and cheese dip, sugar cookies to decorate, pumpkins to paint, pin the nose on the pumpkin, apples and carmel dip, and smores.
Then on Sunday Alexis was baptized! We had a ton of family at church to help us celebrate with her the decision that she had made. Afterwards, we went to lunch with most of our family. Although, Randy didn't get to go because he had to catch a flight to Atlanta for the week. After lunch we had two birthday parties to go to. Talk about a crazy weekend....I was exhausted at the end of it!

This past week was kind of a slow week with Randy being out of town. I had a show on Wednesday night so that was a nice little break and then Isabella had Open House at her school. She was so funny....once we got into her classroom she could no longer talk....so funny!! I told her that I KNEW she talked in class and that she could that evening and to show me the things that she did during the day. That about wraps up our week!