Saturday, July 12, 2008


My grandparents wanted to take the girls to the peach orchard so we went on Friday morning. When Isabella woke up on Friday morning and I told her what we were going to do, she said "I can't believe it." She was so excited! Both of the girls were super excited to be going to pick peaches at the orchard!! My sister and her kids and my mom and us all met my grandparents out there. We always try to have my mom be able to go to help us out with the kiddos. The older two are relatively "low maintenance" and can kinda do there own thing...the younger two girls, well how should I say this....they are NOT "low maintenance." Separetely they aren't that big of a deal but TOGETHER you never know what they are going to do or get into! And then there's DREW! He's the baby and the only boy! He is absolutely precious but is ALL BOY! He loved the peaches as much as the rest of us. I mean...we only ate a few while we were out there. My grandaddy said that we could eat all that we wanted to while we were there. He's an honest we just took his word on it. We had so much fun out there pickin peaches with my grandparents that we told them that we wanted to go pick blackberries next week!!


Amy said...

Looks like fun!!
We need to get a group together to go pickin...there's always a fruit out there waiting to be picked. I'm so glad your blogging

leahduke said...

I am impressed! That is fun you have started a blog. Looks like the peach pickin was a lot of fun. We will miss you Wednesday.