Oh my, my, my....it's January ALREADY! Where did December go?? Well, December is usally really busy so this year was no different. The kids had school Christmas parties and programs and we had our annual LifeGroup Christmas party at our house. Signs had to be made for customers and for gifts that we were given and food had to be made to take to different get togethers...I love Christmas time! Our Christmas celebrating is usually a week long event by the time we go to everyone's house that we celebrate at. It is crazy busy during that week but I wouldn't trade it for anything! Randy and I and our girls are truly blessed with families that love us so much and are so good to us. We really enjoy being with our siblings (and their families), parents, grandparents, and cousins. That's a lot of peeps...considering Randy comes from a family of 9 kids....yes 9 kids (that's why we only have 2 kids and are done!!) but we really love being with all of his siblings and their families and kids as well. It's crazy and loud but that's how it is and we are use to it! Oh yeah, go ahead and throw in 3 dogs running around in the house as well...it really is crazy. I feel like quoting Kate off of the TV show John and Kate Plus Eight "It might be crazy but it's our life!" Then for New Year's Eve we hung out with our LifeGroup with all of the kiddos and rang in the new year at midnight with the kids that were still awake!! For those of you who don't know what a LifeGroup is, it is basically like a Sunday School class but we meet on Wednesday nights instead. Our church provides childcare for us and Alexis does a class at church on that night and we go to someones house and hang out and do our Bible study. We have 6 couples who are in our group. We truly love each and every one of them and they are some of our favorite people to be with. The rest of the Christmas break was spent just hanging out and Randy working ALOT of hours. I attempted to go to the mall several times with the girls and threatened several times to just leave my youngest one there....just kidding, well kinda! Isabella really isn't a shopper and I don't understand how a child of mine can't be a shopper!!! Oh yeah..because she has half of her dad's genes! I took my mother in law with me one of those times thinking that Isabella would be a little better and a little more entertained..but she wasn't. We eventually left my mother in law there and parted ways...I was a little envious of her getting to just keep shopping all by her lonesome for as long as she wanted to or didn't want to! She told me as we were leaving that next year for Christmas she was going to get me a gift certificate for a baby sitter so I could go shopping!!! Oh that would be heaven! I really hope she does..that will probably be my favorite gift! And just for the record, I really wouldn't leave her anywhere! Well..maybe...ok no! If anyone would like to babysit a REALLY cute and funny 4 year old (almost 5), just let me know! She can feed herself, wipe her own nose, and wipe herself!! Hey that last one is a BIG deal! She just learned that over Thanksgiving break when my dad kept the girls by himself and he drew the line at doing THAT for her!! Okay..I should end this. If Randy reads it he will say I'm just rambling!
1 comment:
It was a great christmas!!!
Love everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!
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