On Monday Alexis started asking us some questions regarding getting baptized and we talked to her a little about that before she went to school and told her that we would talk with her more about it after school...right after school she was wanting to talk more about what baptism was and why and so forth. At dinner we talked some more and then right after dinner Randy prayed with Alexis and she asked Jesus to come live in her heart!! We were so excited!! As a parent I think that this is the one thing that we always pray for our children, that they would see Jesus reflected in our lives and come to know him. Needless to say, we were very excited for her and she was too!
On a different note....oh Isabella, oh Isabella. This girl keeps us in stitches..a while back she was asking me about Jesus and where he was, and why we couldn't visually see him. Oh this is a tough one to explain to a 4 year old...but I tried. (As much as I wanted to end the conversation with "I don't know, just be quiet" ~ which is what I do sometimes :) I decided that it is part of my responsibilty to teach our girls about Jesus and what he has done for us, I decided that I would answer it the best I could.) I told her that when we died our hearts would go be with Jesus and then we would get to see him. Well, she then informed me that she didn't want to see Jesus and I said "oh honey, yes you do" and she kept trying to say to me, no not really mom. So a few minutes had past and she said "will I see Jesus if Andy jumps in the pool with me?" Oh..I think she may be confused!!! (Andy always runs and jumps in the pool with her and she is petrified of him when he is swimming with us...I know it's his pool and I have to convince her that he can swim with us sometimes!)
This week Isabella has been trying to break in her new knee high black boots..she keeps trying to wear them to school to pick Alexis up. I told her no and she said "ok then can I wear this for Halloween?" Well I asked her what "this" was and she said this. 
I thought to myself, I know what "this" looks like, and no you can't wear that for Halloween!!
Then on Thursday we kept Drew for awhile. We went to McDonald's after school for an ice cream snack and before I knew it I was wearing his teeny tiny bit of chocolate cookie that I gave him! We came home and played for a while and then had dinner.
I left him like this for a bit because it kept him still for a few seconds...mean, I know but this boy is constantly on the move!!
He LOVED the horse in Isabella's room! He rode that for quite a while!! Then we decided to have some fun with him and dress him up!
Ahh...he looks so pretty as a fairy!!
What a cute Dumbo the elephant!!
We love Drew to pieces and I could seriously eat him up, but boy oh boy does he wear me out!! Drew left at about 8:30 that evening and I think that all 3 of us girls were asleep before 10:00!