Well tonight was back to school night. Wow, where did the summer go? Isabella is going to a different school than Alexis is so we had to go to two different schools tonight. Alexis is going to be in 5th grade and is so ready to get back to school. She LOVES school! She got the teacher that she wanted so she was excited. Isabella is going to be in Pre-K and she was excited last week but not so much this week! She became very shy when being introduced to her teacher and suddenly couldn't talk. Yes, Isabella suddenly COULD NOT talk!!!! When we got home and we were sitting at the dinner table I asked Isabella what she thought that she was going to learn this year at school and she said "how to write my name perfect and straight and how to obey!!" Oh that girl cracks us up! All weekend I have been asking her over and over what she is suppose to do when the teacher is talking and she says "shut your mouth and lock it!" We'll see if she can manage to do that and stay out of trouble.
Alexis was reading over some of the paperwork that I got from her class and and reading it all she said "Dang...5th grade is expensive!!" Oh I think that it has just started with the "expense" of having two daughters!
Well I will leave you with a picture of how I found Isabella in her room (after being sent to her room for not obeying!!). This is a result of only being at school for 20 minutes....oh how I hope that she does this everyday after being there for 2 1/2 hours!!!!!

(Sorry about the blurry pictures again!!)
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