Today was the first day of school for both of the girls. Alexis is in the 5th grade this year and Isabella is in Pre-K. How in the world is Alexis already in 5th grade (she'll be in middle school next year!!!!) and my baby is starting school?!?! Well overall it went really great for both girls. They are at separate schools this year so the drop off each morning is going to be a little crazy but this morning Randy was off, so he was able to help me out. He took Alexis to her school and I told him "Please walk to her to her classroom or if she has to go to the gym make sure she finds her teacher and everything is good before you leave her." Well, he informs me that she said "she could handle it from here" as he was signing in. Needless to say...she thinks that we don't really need to walk her in or make sure she knows where she is going! That girl LOVES school!

I took Isabella to school and made sure that she felt confident enough for me to leave her. I absolutely HATE leaving my kids somewhere where they know absolutely nobody. She was really brave and at first did really good. In fact, at one time she shewed me to go ahead and leave. I "pretended" to leave and just kinda walked out into the hall where she couldn't see me but I could still see her. Once all the other parents left she started getting a little weepy. She decided she'd march herself over to her teacher's lap for a little while. Her teacher said that she was absolutely fine after that! I was so proud of her! Now I have to convince her to go back tomorrow and have a good time!!

We had chocolate chip cookies for an afternoon snack per Alexis' request.