Monday, August 25, 2008


This past weekend we went to the annual Wheeler Family Reunion at Lake Murray. We always have so much fun when we go there. We love getting to spend time with our families. There were tons of Wheeler's there and some that weren't able to make it as well...we missed Randy's sister and her family and his other sister and her husband as well. Randy's family always makes us feel so welcome and just so comfortable. His papa cooked food for everyone (for about 60 or so people) the whole weekend. On Friday evening when we got there, he already had most of the food ready for dinner. Randy's uncle owns a meat Market (Wheeler's Meat Market) so all of the meat comes from there. There was brisket, baked beans, pototoe salad, okra/tomatoe salad, and tons of delicious dessets. I had eaten enough to last me the whole weekend and it was only Friday evening. Then on Saturday morning when we woke up we went back to his grandparents cabin and had breakfast. For breakfast there was bacon, sausage, grilled ham (decilious!!), eggs, biscuits and I'm sure other things as well. Of course I couldn't pass up the biscuits with bacon and ham. It was delicious. Then for lunch they grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and had chips. Needless to say...I skipped lunch. I was still full from breakfast...I don't normally eat breakfast at all. Then for dinner we went into Ardmore to Interurban.

Also on Saturday we found a beach area at the lake that was perfect for all of the kids to swim in. Alexis got to hang out a lot with her Aunt Mackenzee (she is 2 1/2 years older than Alexis!) and her cousin who is the same age as Mackenzee. They were so sweet and always included her in everything that they did.
Isabella got to hang out with one of her cousins that she has never really gotten to hang out with before. His name was Trey and he is in kindergarten so they hit it off fast!! They were absolutely hilarious together. They played together the whole weekend. At one point, they had managed to get outside without anyone noticing and Trey's dad had found them walking to the park together! The park was within walking distance but not for a 5 and 4 year old by themselves!! Too funny!! They sat beside each other at the restaurant and could not stop giggling and talking!
The kids had a great time swimming in the lake, playing put put golf and hanging out with their aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and great grandparents.

On Sunday morning they always have a catered breakfast in the dining hall of the lodge. His papa talked about how great it was to be a Wheeler and that the Wheeler's are always hugging and kissing one another. Boy do they ever...that is the kissin and hugginest family ever!! His papa loves it when all of his family is together! We had a great weekend and can't wait until we go again next year!

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